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Noncredit Age Requirements

AACC's noncredit courses are open to anyone with or without a diploma or degree who is 16 years or older by the first day of class. Classes for those younger than 16 are offered through Kids in College and Family Time Intergenerational courses. For intergenerational courses, all youths must register and be accompanied by a registered adult.

Noncredit Course Cancellations

The college may cancel a course that lacks sufficient enrollment a week before it is scheduled to begin. When a course is canceled, we make every effort to notify all registered students promptly. A full refund is processed automatically unless the student elects to transfer to another course or section. You can help avoid cancellations by registering at least two weeks before the starting date.

Noncredit Course Drop Dates

Students may not be dropped after the drop date indicated on their receipt.

Wait List Procedures

The wait list is an electronic record of students who are waiting for a seat to become available in a closed (filled) section. The wait list sorts students in order of date and time the student was added to the wait list. If a seat becomes available, the noncredit (continuing education) registration system will automatically email the next student on the wait list at their AACC email address. The student will have 48 hours from the time the notification is emailed to register and pay for the class.

You can use to sign in to your student account and view your wait lists or remove yourself from a wait list.

Unscheduled Closings

When severe weather or other emergency conditions occur, listen to local radio or TV stations, or check the college's home page. Sign up for a text message alert to your cell phone and email address by going to the Campus Alerts page.

Every attempt will be made to reschedule classes that have been impacted by an emergency closing. However, we reserve the right to update the course schedule depending upon the availability of resources. For the most up to date course offerings, visit us on our webpage.

When the college closes, all classes at all on-campus and off-site locations are canceled for the day. The college does not necessarily close when Anne Arundel County public schools close; however, when public schools close for inclement weather or emergencies all AACC classes at public school locations are canceled.

When Anne Arundel County public schools close as a result of scheduled (nonemergency) closings, AACC classes will meet.

Late Openings

When the college opens late due to severe weather or other emergency conditions, all continuing education courses scheduled to begin prior to the opening time will be canceled for that day.

Credit/Noncredit Share

Select courses may be taken for either academic credit or on a noncredit basis. For credit registration information, call 410-777-2243. If you are enrolled in a credit/noncredit share as a noncredit student you will not earn academic credit. However, with the instructor’s written permission, you may transfer to credit status during the first three weeks (or nine classroom hours) of the course. Continuing education staff can explain the simple transfer procedures.

Noncredit Course Advertisements

Courses and class schedules listed in the Noncredit Schedule of Classes, promotional literature and on this website are subject to change. The college regrets any discrepancies or typographical errors. This website, the Noncredit Schedule of Classes and any promotional literature are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the college.

Personal Finance Instruction

AACC's personal finance instructors do not provide advice on specific investments. Neither AACC nor the instructor is responsible for any investments students make. 

Professional Licensure Disclaimer

AACC cannot confirm whether the course or program meets requirements for professional licensure in states other than Maryland. If you plan to apply for licensure in a state other than Maryland, contact that state’s licensing board to determine whether the AACC course or program meets requirements for licensure in that state. If you need assistance finding contact information for your state, or if you need additional information regarding professional licensure, contact the School of Continuing Education and Workforce Development's Instructional Support Center at 410-777-2325.

Noncredit Registration Acknowledgements


I hereby certify that the information that I have provided on this registration form is accurate and complete. I understand that if I have provided information in this registration form that is determined to be false, I may be disciplined, up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Contact by Phone/Email

By submitting this form and providing your phone number and email address, you are giving your express written consent without obligation for AACC to contact you regarding informational and transactional communications related to AACC’s educational mission, ordinary college communications, and emergency notifications using e-mail, phone, or text, including automated technology for calls and/or texts to the mobile number(s) provided. For more details, including how to opt out, please contact 410-777-2325 or  

Class Participants

I authorize the release of my email address to participants in online classes for which I register.


I understand that the information in this registration and my education records may be released without my consent to any institution in which I seek to enroll or am enrolled and that AACC may obtain my education records from any institution that I attended prior to submitting this registration form.


In submitting this registration form, I accept and agree to abide by AACC’s policies and procedures and requirements in the college catalog, including but not limited to, the Code of Student Conduct, Academic Integrity Policy, and Drug and Alcohol Policy.


I understand that AACC reserves the right to request additional information and documentation to assess my residency, military affiliation, veteran status, or age, if necessary. In the event AACC discovers that I provided false or misleading information, I may be billed by AACC retroactively to recover the difference between the tuition rate I was charged and the tuition rate I should have been charged if accurate information had been provided for the current and subsequent semesters. If circumstances affecting my residency, military affiliation, or veteran status change, I agree to notify AACC in writing within 15 calendar days of the change in status.

Non-US Citizens

I understand that if I am a lawful permanent residents or student with a visa, I will be required to submit official documentation after I register in order to be enrolled in the course(s) and will be removed from the course(s) if I do not provide sufficient documentation, as determined by AACC.


I understand and agreed by submitting this registration form, I am obligated to pay for all tuition, fees, and supplies for the course(s) listed above. I have read and agree to be bound by the noncredit course refund policy can be found on the Noncredit Course Protocols webpage. I acknowledge that payment for tuition, fees, and supplies are due at the time of registration, and that after a course has started, refunds will only be granted in unique circumstances as set forth in the Noncredit Course Policies.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

AACC prohibits all types of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion or creed, ancestry or national origin, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, citizenship, and genetic information. To file a complaint of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, or retaliation, please contact the chief compliance and fair practices officer/Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239 or, or Maryland Relay 711.


The security of all members of the campus community is of vital concern to Anne Arundel Community College. Information concerning campus security and crime statistics is available at Campus Safety. For copies write: Anne Arundel Community College, Department of Public Safety, 101 College Parkway, Arnold MD 21012-1895.

Certificate of Completion

I acknowledge that students enrolling in courses that are part of a noncredit program leading to a Certificate of Completion will automatically be enrolled in that noncredit program. Upon successful completion of the minimum required courses for that program, a Certificate of Completion will be included on the student’s noncredit transcript. To receive a printed Certificate of Completion, students must follow the process identified on the Noncredit Certificates page.

Refund Exception Requests for Noncredit Courses

Statement to Noncredit Students on Refund Exception Requests

When you register for any class (credit or noncredit), you assume a financial responsibility. The Anne Arundel Community College Noncredit Schedule of Classes published each term includes the current refund policy and identifies the deadlines for dropping a class and obtaining a refund. In some unique circumstances, the college will consider a request for an exception to refund policy. These unique circumstances are listed below. If you feel one of these situations applies to you, you must submit a formal request with documentation as soon as possible and no later than the end of the term for which you are requesting an exception. You will be notified of a decision to your request after it has been reviewed, usually within thirty days of receipt. Only with the appropriate documentation or evidence can a decision be made. Submission does not guarantee a refund or credit will be granted.

Unique Circumstances

There are very few situations in which an exception to the refund policy will be granted. They include the following circumstances:

A) You, the student, became seriously ill or injured after classes began, and the extent of the illness was sufficiently severe that you were hospitalized or incapacitated and, thus, were unable to continue in classes this term. This situation requires documentation from medical professional stating the day of the medical issue began or the accident occurred, the general nature of the illness/injury and an estimate of the length of time you are unable to participate in classes due to hospitalization, treatment or incapacitation.

B) Your child, spouse or parent (immediate family member) incurred a critical/catastrophic illness or injury after the start of classes. A doctor’s statement, similar to that described in section a., must be submitted.

C) Your employer unilaterally changed your work schedule, your work location or the requirements of your current job so as to prevent your continuation in the course(s). You need to provide documentation of these circumstances from your employer on the employer’s letterhead including the date your job was changed, the date you were notified, the previous work schedule and the new work schedule. (This does not apply to new jobs taken after classes began.)

D) You, your spouse or parent are military or National Guard service members and are ordered to relocate. A copy of the orders must accompany the refund request. (This exception does not apply to individuals who enlist after registration for the term or those who register through GoArmyEd.)

E) Involuntary Displacement from your primary domicile.

F) Death of an immediate family member. A copy of the death certificate or obituary must be submitted.

Submission Process

Your official request for an exception to the refund policy must be submitted in a formal letter with your physical signature. Electronic signatures cannot be accepted. The letter must include:

  • Full Name
  • Postal Mailing Address
  • Phone Number
  • AACC ID Number
  • Course(s) you are referring to.
  • Explanation of your circumstances and why you are submitting the request.

Submit your letter and required supporting documentation through one of the following means:

A) By Email
Using only your MyAACC student email account, send your email and documentation to
Subject: Refund Exception Request
Note: You may not submit attachments by email if they contain confidential or sensitive information. Documents of that nature may only be submitted by fax, by mail or in person.

B) By Fax
Attention: Instructional Support Center – Refund Exception Request

C) In Person
Continuing Education and Workforce Development Office located in the Center for Applied Learning and Technology (CALT) building - Room 115 - located on the West side of the main campus in Arnold.

D) By Mail
Anne Arundel Community College, Continuing Education and Workforce Development, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012, Mailstop: CALT 115

Once your request has been reviewed, a letter will be mailed to the address we have in our system outlining the determination. This determination can take up to 30 days. There are very few situations in which an exception to the refund policy will be granted.

For questions about this process you may contact the Instructional Support Center at 410-777-2325 or email

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